Cyclamen Plant Care

Have you been thinking of gifting someone a flowering plant for the winter holidays? And have you been feeling confused and anxious because you don’t know what to go for? Well then, how about going for the cyclamen plant that is the perfect option as Christmas or Thanksgiving gift.

The Cyclamens plant bloom naturally in spring, winter, and fall, as the weather during this time tends to be damp and cool. Cyclamens stop blooming in the hot summers. During this time, the foliage dies and becomes yellow. The plant also stops showing any signs of growth. There are plenty of varieties you can go for when it comes to cyclamen plants. Some cyclamen plant tends to have round flowers while others have ruffled flowers. No matter the variety you choose, the flowers are large and bright, and they float beautifully above them, heart-shaped.

Now, if you are thinking of gifting someone this beautiful winter plant, keep in mind that this plant can be toxic to kids or fur babies. But before you gift someone, this plant isn’t it important to know about it in detail? Because let’s face it, unlike a pair of earrings or a box of chocolate plants need regular care and maintenance. Well then, let’s have a look at the cyclamen plant in detail.

Cyclamen Plant Frequently Asked Questions

Cyclamens also make good indoor plants, however, make sure the temperature remains 60-70 degrees F during the day and 40-50 degrees F during the night.

When watering the Cyclamen plant, remember to water the plant every time the soil seems dry. Also, keep in mind not to get water on the crown or leaves of the plant during its active growing period.

Taking Care of Your Cyclamen Plant

Cyclamen plants are usually grown indoors in pots. Although this plant tends to go dormant in summers because of the heat and temperature, you can keep it inside your house in cooler temperatures to ensure its survival.

To make sure the plant keeps reblooming during its season, just cut off the flower stalks that have died. As soon as the blooming slows down, make sure the plant is left to dry out for a couple of months. Also, keep in mind not to water it too much at this stage as this will only lead to the rotting of the tuber. Just water the plant a bit, making sure the soil doesn’t get wet. Here are some things to keep in mind when growing the cyclamen plant:

  • This plant prefers well-drained rich soil that is slightly acidic. If you are planting them in pots, make sure you mix some sphagnum peat with potting mix to ensure the soil’s acidity
  • This plant cannot handle heat well, so make sure the temperature remains 60-70 degrees F during the day and 40-50 degrees F during the night.
  • The cyclamen needs indirect bright light during its growing period in winters. However, during its dormant period in the summer, you can keep it in the dark, cool place that has good air circulation
  • While watering the plant, keep in mind not to get water on the crown or leaves of the plant. Also, during its active growing period, remember to water the plant every time the soil seems dry.
  • These plants need a humid environment to grow, especially during winters. Humidity can be raised easily by keeping the plant on any tray and then filling it with pebbles and water. Just ensure that the pot doesn’t touch the water as this might end up destroying the roots.
  • The cyclamen plant needs fertilizer that is liquid and low-nitrogen every other week during the growing period. This plant doesn’t need any fertilizers during the dormant period.

Cyclamens Plant Propagation

Cyclamens have some bright, beautiful flowers that look like butterflies. There are varieties of cyclamen plants available, and all of them require a mild temperature to grow. Among all the varieties two most popular ones are florist cyclamen and hardy cyclamen. Although not all varieties can be propagated through the same method, cyclamens are mostly propagated through two ways seeds or plant division. Also, remember not all species can be propagated easily with these two methods. That being said, now, let’s talk in detail about both these methods.

Propagation Using Seeds: All you need to do for this method is soak the seeds and then put them in the soil at the right time. It would be better if you soak them for at least 24 hours. All you need to do now is plant these seeds in the soil, preferably in the spring. Now comes the waiting game, where you have to wait until the soil is warm enough (45-55 degrees F) for the plant to bloom.

If you want to grow them in pots, then it’s better to start in the winters. This will give you flowers in the very first year. This method can seem a bit slow, but this is the way that even professional growers go. This is the easiest way to propagate, provided you have enough patience.

Propagating Through Plant Division: Uprooting some clippings directly from stems or simply using leaves won’t work for this method. What you need is the underground swollen root which is known as the tuber. All you need to do is lift the tuber from the soil during winters and then divide it. Now you need to replant these pieces under the soil, which encourages roots to emerge before fall arrives. You can also add some mulch to protect the divisions from the harsh winters.

Pruning The Cyclamen Plant

Propagating and pruning the cyclamen plant might not seem that easy, especially if you are new to it. In case you aren’t well-experienced when it comes to pruning or trimming, just keep removing the yellowish wilted flowers regularly. This process is called deadheading.

Make sure you not only remove the dead flower but the entire stem that is bearing the flower. Just rotate the stem a bit with your hands and then gently but quickly pull out the entire stem. Now, are you wondering why this twisting and then pulling off step is important? Well, this process ensures that no part of the wilted stem remains as it might end up rotting and eventually destroy the tuber itself.

Cyclamens are one of the most sophisticated and gorgeous perennials you can ever have at your home. This can be the perfect indoor plant for you, which you can take care of easily now after going through this article. So, get this houseplant today for the white, red, purple, and pink flowers that are bound to brighten up your life and home.