Lipstick Plant

The Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus radicans) is a distinctive, lovely flowering houseplant that infuses your home with life and color. It will brighten any space with its eye-catching vibrant red cluster of flowers. Additionally, the Lipstick Plant has the advantage of needing little maintenance while rewarding you with its lovely blossoms. In this article, we will offer some advice on how to take the best possible care of your Lipstick Plant and keep it blooming all year long.

Lipstick Plant Frequently Asked Questions

Common problems associated with the Lipstick plant include root rot caused by overwatering and soggy soils, pest like Spider mites may also attack the leaves, causing them to yellow or become discolored. In some instances, leaf spot fungus and powdery mildew may also occur if the plant is grown in too much shade or not enough air circulation.

The Lipstick Plant prefers to be kept evenly moist but never soggy. It is a good idea to allow the soil to dry slightly between watering, making sure to water thoroughly until moisture appears at the bottom of the pot. Water less frequently in winter when growth slows and never allow it to sit in standing water as this can cause root rot.

Benefits of Growing the Lipstick Plant

The Lipstick Plant requires little maintenance and will reward you with lovely blossoms. Its vivid pink, white, and yellow blossoms will infuse any space with energy and color. By removing pollutants from the air, the plant will also assist in purifying the air in your house. It also does a terrific job of humidifying the air, which can assist to lessen dryness.

Additionally, individuals seeking a low-maintenance houseplant that doesn’t need much attention might consider the Lipstick Plant. With little attention and pruning, the plant will flourish. Last but not least, the Lipstick Plant is renowned for having relaxing qualities and may be a wonderful addition to any space to promote calmness and harmony. Stunning in blossom, air-purifying properties, and low maintenance needs, the Lipstick Plant is an amazing houseplant choice that can bring life and beauty to any home..

Conditions Favorable to the Lipstick Plant 

Indirect sunshine and warm, humid surroundings are ideal for the Lipstick Plant to flourish. It requires soil that drains well, and it has to be watered frequently to keep the ground moist but not drenched.

Temperature Requirements – The Lipstick plant flourishes best in temperatures ranging between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Exposing this unique plant to temperatures below 50°F could harm or kill the plant. During the cold months, it is a good idea to bring the plant indoors or cover it with a light blanket for additional protection. Additionally, the lipstick plant should not be exposed to temperatures higher than 90°F. Providing adequate air circulation humidity can help maintain suitable temperature levels.

Light Requirements – The Lipstick Plant thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. It should be placed near a window that receives several hours of light per day and is shielded from direct rays. The foliage may become pale or even yellow if the plant does not receive enough light.

Fertilizer Requirements – Fertilize the Lipstick Plant every two weeks to every month during the spring and summer months. Use a diluted, balanced houseplant fertilizer that has a nutrient ratio of 10-10-10 or 20-20-20. Avoid overfertilizing as this can damage the plant’s roots and cause leaf burn. Stop fertilizing in the fall and winter when growth slows. Ensure the soil is moist before applying fertilizer. As a general rule, do not fertilize plants that are already suffering from drought stress. Instead, provide the plant with adequate water and wait until signs of recovery appear before resuming fertilization.

Water Requirements – The Lipstick Plant prefers to be kept evenly moist but never soggy. Allow the soil to dry slightly between watering, making sure to water thoroughly until moisture appears at the bottom of the pot. Water less frequently in winter when growth slows and never allow it to sit in standing water as this can cause root rot. Monitor your plant’s soil moisture levels regularly with a moisture meter or probe for an accurate reading.

Humidity Requirements – The Lipstick Plant likes a humid environment. If you can’t provide this in your home, placing the plant on top of a wet pebble tray or mist regularly with distilled water is best. You may also want to consider investing in a humidifier to help maintain the desired level of moisture for your plants.

Potting and Re-potting the Lipstick Plant – It is a good practice to repot the Lipstick plant every two or three years. Ideally, this unique plant prefers a well-draining, light potting mix such as an African violet potting mix or one mixed with equal parts of perlite and peat moss. It is important when repotting, to choose a container that is only one or two inches larger than the existing pot. After repotting, ensure the soil is evenly moist by thoroughly watering then allow the top inch of the soil to dry before watering again. During the hot summer months, fertilize with a balanced liquid fertilizer every other week. This will help promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage. To prevent root rot, make sure to use containers that have adequate drainage holes.

How To Prune The Lipstick Plant 

Pruning Requirements and Tips for Lipstick Plant: The lipstick plant is a fast-growing tropical vine that should be pruned regularly to keep it compact and healthy. Prune the vines in early spring, just after they have finished flowering, using sharp garden shears. Before you begin pruning, sterilize your tools with rubbing alcohol.

When pruning, cut the vines just above a leaf node or stem joint to encourage bushier growth. Deadheading spent blooms will also help encourage more flowers. Prune occasionally throughout the summer months to maintain a neat shape and prevent it from becoming too leggy. Removing any weak or damaged stems can also help improve air circulation for better

Common Problems with the Lipstick Plant

Although the Lipstick Plant is normally healthy and easy to care for, it can be prone to certain problems. Overwatering and soggy soil can cause root rot, which will kill the plant. Spider mites may also attack the leaves, causing them to yellow or become discolored. Leaf spot fungus and powdery mildew may also occur if the plant is grown in too much shade or not enough air circulation.

Keeping the soil moist but not soggy and making sure the Lipstick Plant receives adequate sunlight can help prevent these problems. If any of these issues do arise, treat them promptly with a fungicide or insecticidal soap to keep your plant healthy.


The Lipstick Plant is a vibrant, easy-to-care-for houseplant that can bring life and color to any home. With the right conditions and proper care, it is sure to thrive and last for years. By avoiding overwatering, providing ample light, and treating any pests or diseases quickly, you can keep your Lipstick Plant

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